daniel roehe

digitale bildung für alle

hemingway and utw

I usually don’t write any english content in my blog. But nevertheless I got an E-Mail from Lester Spence last week asking me how I implementet the tag cloud in my sidebar and a few days later Frau B. asked me the same question. So here is the answer: I’m using the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin to use tags within WordPress. The Hemingway reloaded theme is still my favorite, but it doesn’t do a good job on tag archives.
Taking a look at the documentation it’s quite easy to find the answer on how to implement the tag cloud itself. In my case it’s only this line: <[questionmark]php UTW_ShowWeightedTagSetAlphabetical("coloredsizedtagcloud","",10) [questionmark]>
But it’s a little more tricky to implement the archive page, where all the tags link to. You have to create a new file in your template directory, because the Hemingway reloaded theme doesn’t show up a tag-archive in the right way. Here is an example UTW Tag Archive page that works with this cool theme.

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7 Kommentare

  1. Frau B. 28. Juni 2006

    Thanks for the mail and the article.
    If I need help, I come back 🙂

  2. Frau B. 28. Juni 2006

    btw… the site/layout is displaced in ie

  3. abe 7. Juli 2006

    the example UTW Tag Archive page link didn’t work for me and i don’t undarstand how to make utw work with hemingway theme.
    in the utw documentation i’ve learned that i must create a new tag.php file that exist not in the default hemingway theme, right?
    but what must i fill in? and where must i place this file?

  4. DR. 8. Juli 2006 — Autor der Seiten

    Sorry, the link to the tag archive page example was broken. It’s now fixed. You just have to upload it to your hemingway-reloaded theme directory and every tag-link will point to your new tag-archive!

  5. Lester Spence 12. Juli 2006

    I sincerely appreciated the help, and the English response too! (What do you call someone who speaks one language?)

  6. DR. 12. Juli 2006 — Autor der Seiten

    Your comment reminds me of Esperanto. And I guess the german word for someone who only speaks one language is the same as in english „monolingual“.

  7. Lester Spence 15. Juli 2006

    Nope. Monolingual does work technically…but you want to know the real word?



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